You can cash in on your talent You can cash in on your good looks You can cash in on your hard work You can cash in on your good luck You can even cash in on all four
When my father-in-law dusted the cobwebs off our front p… they were back within the week It is hard to feel sorry for a spe… that has negligible capacities for…
What is the point of consciousness… Consciousness enables volitional m… liberating the will through purpos… What is language for? Language infuses purposeful action…
There are lots of places to hide things but hiding them in plain sight is the best option for the things that people
The stapler inevitably jams And it’s always the stapler That jams the copier Except for the times it jams When you try to copy something you…
Socialists count on the fact that there are no private languages but there is
Haunted by conflicted feelings in… my therapist and I finally traced… when I preferred Pepsi to Coke and McDonald’s to Burger King but B.K. served Pepsi
According to F. Scott Fitzgerald… “The test of a first-rate intellig… is the ability to hold two opposin… in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to fu…
You’re not allowed to copy from your neighbor because you’re supposed to copy from your teacher
When the doyennes of progressive a… “From the river to the sea is an a… human rights, and peaceful coexist… Bernard-Henri Levy helpfully tran… “‘From the river to the sea’, whic…
Al Gore didn’t invent the internet He created a device for the reinforcement of irrational thoughts and behaviors
When I asked Permission to come aboard The ship of fools They said Everything is permitted
Everybody knows The pen is mightier than the sword But few understand That it’s because The pen is a lightsaber
The Cookie Monster is just living up to the name Kermit gave him
A poem is worth A thousand pictures A life is worth A thousand paper cuts So, if I were to