What do you call it when people are so bored that they start playing with fire and soon enough find themselves fighting fire with fire
I’ve never believed in being proac… so instead of expecting the unexpe… I got the surprise of my life but found it altogether unexceptio…
When space is finite we need to share which is colloquially known as using the Force When cyberspace is infinite
Like you I was born for greatness And, like you My call to greatness is “A great disturbance in the Force…
How anti-Semites use exegesis to… against the Jews: Step 1 – Cite Love your Enemy Step 2- Interpret
Life isn’t perfect Because God’s love is
Old habits are hard to break but impossible to make New habits, like flossing, are easy to make
The genius of Big Tech’s business… is its simplicity: Get people to pay for what they had previously accessed for free
When we had bodies they called us extras which was short for extraneous though our negligible status lent a degree of latitude
A sliver of moon follows us home in the car How nice to be fooled
The faceless horde finds strength in numbers by losing themselves in the crowd But when your numbers are small
Just as God is one There is only one strength– A yetzer tov That is strong enough to tame The yetzer hara
A memory hole should be just deep enough to bury yourself up to the neck– Any deeper
God’s loyalty is only matched By His Demands The most demanding of which is equ… And by His rewards The most rewarding of which remain…
You’ve made Your waterbed Now steep in it