Two things can be true at the same… 1. Logic tells us what we can and… 2. Paradox tells us God can do wh… More importantly God sees what we cannot do
At bottom freedom consists of the possibility that you are wrong
Meaning is inherent to language And language is inherent to human… So, meaning is inherent to us huma… What does this mean? That’s open to interpretation
In the battle between good and evil good appears to be playing for a tie Evil,
Read between the lines: We are behind enemy lines
The most common form of fooling ourselves isn’t thinking we’ve got everyone fooled… It’s denial that we’ve fooled anyo…
Slow and steady wins the race because there isn’t any finish line
It’s not that you’re jeal– ous, but that you guard your jeal– ousy jealously
Knowing that everyone agrees you remind them of indoor furniture on the porch tells you nothing about what each of them thinks of you
I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me
We’ve taken the last ember in the ashes for a glimmer of hope
The blood-brain barrier is semiper… Because your heart pumps out love By the truckload
Imagine the disappointment when we… both wearing Velcro singlets but each fashioned from the softer… with nary a hook between us
I was an idea man with one good idea and I have no idea why they stole my idea of a good t… when they could just have it
The male gaze sees all or nothing unless it’s blindfolded– then it sees both