This is going nowhere so, by all means let’s keep going
No one seems to see (least of all me) that being all you can be isn’t about clutching superiority– it’s for abjuring mediocrity
There was a time when fools managed perceptions in order to manage reality, realists managed perceptions because they couldn’t manage reali…
The internet is the opposite of th… When a memory is repressed you get it back even though you can’t remember it But when it is memory-holed
My soul is the sole part of me My body makes me one of us My mind is made up Of body and soul– So, just like you, I am
Natural disaster was always an act of God With climate change we’ve made it our own
On Fresh Air they always mention that their rock historian lives in France as if he were in exile from rock a… the same way James Joyce wrote ab…
Our first category mistake was believing that the Real has me… when the Real is absolutely meanin… only the Symbolic has any meaning This evolved into our second categ…
God looks down and sees all of His good kids making bad choices God is one but decides to speak to us
When I was a young man I couldn’t see the forest for the trees Now that I am old and wise I can’t see the forest
The phrase A woman’s intuition Tells us that a woman Is more intuitive Than a man
Modern research methods have detec… that there’s no such thing as a ba… leaving scientists puzzled as to w… the whole bunch is still spoiled
The lower classes are those people who are not allowed to compete To feel good about perpetuating th…
It’s not that we are past The point of no return But that we the people Have invested our life savings In scorn for our neighbor
How much Are you willing to sacrifice For what You cannot have