In Putin’s version of Let’s Make… he shows you what’s behind Door #1… - You let Putin run you through w… AND what’s behind Door #2: - You fall on your sword to atone…
We talk about current times But time is a current That gives us our power We hate death Seeing it as the loss of all power
I am a story I tell myself The story is a cover-up The cover-up is always worse than… The crime is merely the will to po… The cover-up is giving away my pow…
People are the opposite of baked potatoes– If you keep poking holes in their theories they will explode
They can kick you out and send you to Siberia but they can’t kick God out of Siberia
I’m always leaving things at church so the lost and found won’t be empty
With the same hubris That got us into this mess In the first place We like nothing more than to decla… Global warming is man-made
People tend to be wrong and through their errors get closer to the truth This is known as freedom The most sacred narratives
I know a guy who knows Paul Simon who told me the real reason for th… was that Paul got sick of Garfunk… stalling for thyme
The soul is like water The body a glass And a dead body is just A glass from which All the water has evaporated
It always comes back to Love and work– The whole point of Love of country Is found in doing the work
Since seeing is believing all that we really want is kept out of sight, out of mind leaving everything we think we kno… to the imagination
Life isn’t perfect Because God’s love is
In wristwatch advertisements the doomsday clock is always set to ten past ten
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down