Ours is a culture of low tolerance masquerading as a culture of low risk tolerance
You always hear that technology is neutral but AI is like people in that its neutrality is mere obfuscation
Our civilization is like an egg– It can withstand enormous pressure at the top (for the obvious reasons) and bottom
Life can seem meaningless But I’ve found that Meaning is never lifeless
Life = Trial by fire Death = Trial by firing squad
The world has gone to heck And heck is hell Minus the pleasure
A poem is like a dream In that it shows us the truth Without telling it Because, truth be told There’s no telling
The human condition is either thinking that we’re free when we’re actually held captive or thinking that we’re captive when we’re actually free
I won’t rest ‘til O– prah puts me on the cover of her magazine
In the state of nature You live by the sword And die by the sword In civilization The pen is mightier
Told to shut my mouth I took them literally Zipped my lips And held my breath Until I could stomach it no longe…
Six days of innovation One day of relaxation I guarantee: Creation!
Like generals husbands are always preparing to f… while their wives are always prepa… to fight the last just war
Human beings need to compete for what they want To ruin human beings try meeting their needs
Hell isn’t other people– Hell is waiting in line behind other people