More and more it feels as if we are teetering between 1984 and… but 84-33=51 bringing us to 1951 the actual lone year in question
Those who can do talk shows Those who can’t teach others to show, don’t tell
Fight fire With fire Accordingly, A bureaucracy can solve any proble… With more paperwork
Each and every TikTok is a remake of the Zapruder film
God broke in half-way through my prayer and said You’re on mute
He was the kind of husband who when his wife asked him to stop sa… complied but started looking for excuses to… panda bear
Once I realized that I wasn’t afraid of sky diving just that my parachute wouldn’t op… I was able to conquer my fear without ever leaving the ground
I dream in color but my interpretations are in black and white
I could do a passable moonwalk in socks on linoleum but if I put on one glove I had to take off one sock
I never believed in automatic writ… until I tried my hand at TikTok and felt an invisible hand gently (as in pleasantly) but insistently (as in relievedly)
We are all problem children Our problem is Everything we do is done to get a… As if every action doesn’t come wi… An equal and opposite reaction
Steely Dan sings “I don’t wanna do your dirty work… again and again only once intoning “I foresee terrible trouble
When I stand before this world I’m afraid to say What I have to ask you About my desire: “Is that too much to ask?”
Learning how to walk is learning how to fall forward while remembering to catch yoursel… again and again Walking is the illusion
The internet is based on sensual p… Minus three or four of the senses And one or two dimensions of space…