They call it open heart surgery But no one says open brain surgery Because, by default Our minds are closed And the only way to change minds
Frequently, God’s light is like sun glare, telling me to slow the heck down
Home isn’t Where you go And they have to take you in No such place exists Home is
We are hard wired for cooperation to better compete Marxism fails because it enacts a competition
Your ego has you fooled To stop playing the fool Start identifying with your soul And as soon as you do You’ll begin to see the ego
Yes, humans suck– that’s a universal The reason we haven’t been able to fix it is that being a human doesn’t suck for eve…
Never get greedy Always cut your losses And remember that it’s better to be lucky than good and it’s bad luck to be so good th…
When it happens We can’t help but ask What is déjà vu? Since déjà vu destabilizes all of… Which boil down to
I used to stand on the moral high ground to look myself in the eye but now that I’ve plucked it out and thrown it away
Our brains are just big enough to operate eight fingers and two thumbs An octopus is smart but if it also had
Poets are to their poems As parents are to their children Preparing them for the world Without knowing what they will do
The opposite of failure Isn’t success It’s epic failure
Social media is a dream come true– Finally, I can keep up appearances while letting myself go
We are connected therefore I think I am A nexus without a group
Get back! Problem is The internet will still be there w… Get back