Hell is having infinite wishes but using them all to wish for infinite wishes Heaven is having infinite wishes but only needing
How much Are you willing to sacrifice For what You cannot have
It took the spies of Five Eyes to tell that Putin wasn’t bluffin’ But just ask the staff at Five Gu… and they’ll tell you Trump’s MacG… He longs for Daddy’s approval
No one wanted to wear augmented reality goggles until our design team hit upon the idea of making them look
No shoes, no shirt, no service Just say no Do not pass go, do not collect $20… Don’t call us, we’ll call you No pain, no gain
You don’t really know someone until it becomes clear that you don’t really know them
I don’t believe in myself So, I must control God I believe in God So, I can control myself
You are a rope which The devil has tied up in knots Only God can help you Untie the knots When you unfurl
The devil is ingenious: Since our minds are inside the min… The devil has designs on us Uploading our minds to the cloud– i.e. To hell–
There used to be two types of peop… Those who wanted to Go ahead and get it over with And those who wanted to postpone t… This enabled some degree of self-s…
It wasn’t false modesty exactly You might call it un-unpretentious if you were being pretentious
I always wondered why there are several teen archetypes on offer in The Breakfast Club– each with their own exquisite agon… but also the promise of redemption…
Cartoonists always draw the lightb… pointing up so that no one will think it’s a n…
The pleasure of a new discovery is only exceeded by the satisfaction of making a recommendation
Marriage is the only place I’m neither feature nor bug but both