

In life’s maze, I wander, lost,
Betwixt realms where dreams emboss,
Reality’s bounds, blurred in fantastical haze,
In lands where imagination’s banners blaze.
Through verdant glades and fields afar,
Where dreams and fables freely spar,
I stumble upon a curious sight,
Two creatures, contrasting, yet unite.
The first, a rhinoceros, bold and stout,
With hide like armor, sturdy throughout.
Its horn, a symbol of strength and might,
Strides confidently, grounded in earthly light.
Beside it stands a creature rare,
A unicorn, with mane so fair.
Innocence and purity in its gleaming eyes,
A beacon of light in mystical skies.
Though opposite in form and grace,
They blend my world, in seamless embrace.
An allegory of unity, they unfold,
In their union, a story untold.
The rhinoceros, earthbound and strong,
Guides the journey, steadfast and long.
While the unicorn, with ethereal song,
Infuses wonder, where dreams belong.
In this earthly sojourn, which path to tread?
Through trials like the rhino, or dreams instead?
Or perhaps a blend of both, I seek,
Where truth and beauty intertwine and speak.
In their shared experiences, a deeper truth,
Love and unity, in age-old sleuth.
Embracing diversity, fostering connection,
Unveiling humanity’s profound reflection.
A beacon of hope for all to see,
In their union, lies our destiny.
A reminder of the beauty in difference, profound,
In the harmony of unity, our souls are bound.

Otras obras de Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
