
Res Memorandae

Res Memorandae
Ruwantissa Abeyratne
Amid memory’s lantern, in shadows deep,
I felt the ember of my breath take flight,
As torrents of hope drenched my soul’s keep,
But the labor’s fall left me in night.
Prepared and poised, I strove for heights untold,
Yet stumbled, faltered, and the ache did sting,
Tears welled unexpected, stories unfold,
In the tapestry of failure’s haunting wing.
Oh, to have held my breath, eluded pain,
Avoided torrents that sought to drown,
But even in the struggle, not in vain,
For in the toil, a purpose had been found.
It might have been far worse, I now confess,
A mind withering, with its spirit’s tether,
Yet still, I dared the solitary quest,
And faced the path, despite the stormy weather.
To journey on with eyes cast down, a choice,
To let the world unfurl beneath my gaze,
And silence doubts with an inner voice,
As I tread onward through life’s winding maze.

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