

In Einstein’s world, where time and space entwine,
Speed alters our perception, a truth so fine.
For as we move, time’s flow may bend and sway,
A notion that mystifies in its cosmic play.
But can this concept stretch beyond the mere,
To touch the realms where memories adhere?
I recall those days, on campus I roamed,
Library to lecture, my path was honed.
A figure approached, tall and robust in frame,
Yet familiarity blurred, an enigmatic claim.
With a passing glance, he strode on by,
No smile adorned his face, just a thoughtful eye.
Now, in my twilight years, as I watch my son,
A grown man, serious, the journey he’s begun.
His eyes, a mirror of ones seen before,
Stir echoes of the past, memories to explore.
I’m transported back to those fleeting days,
Pondering the man with enigmatic ways.
If only I knew his identity, his name,
Would I have spoken, broken silence’s claim?
In the dance of time, where moments intertwine,
The mysteries of the past, in our minds, they shine.
And as we ponder what might have been,
We embrace the mysteries of the unseen.

Otras obras de Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
