

In the shadows of life, I roam,
My heart, it sighs, I find no home.
This is my call, my heart’s plea,
Bring back joy from memory’s sea.
The fortress of my heart once strong,
Now fades, erased by time so long.
I wander orphaned, life’s endless quest,
Blossom love, invite me to rest.
Our life, a blessing, an infant’s breath,
Rebirth in your promise, conquering death.
When I depart that kingdom’s door,
May your eyes guide me, forevermore.
So invite me then, to soar on high,
A bird in the skies, through stars, we’ll fly.
In dreams, we’ll journey, hand in hand,
Life’s sweetest song in a far-off land
My life, a song, with lyrics that linger,
In every verse, my soul takes flight, no longer a bystander.
The melody weaves through each day, growing stronger,
My life’s the song, and I, its singer.”

Otras obras de Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
