

There once was a flower, emotions she concealed,
A bee, curious and daring, to her heart appealed,
He ventured inside her petals, with care he did creep,
Unveiling her sweet emotions, secrets buried deep.
The bee, in his journey, found nectar divine,
A sweetness so profound, like aged, aged wine,
No previous experience could ever compare,
To the depths of emotions, he now became aware.
In this tale of discovery, a truth does unfold,
Life’s cyclical nature, a story to be told,
The flower and the bee, in their dance so grand,
Symbolize samsara, where life’s cycles expand.
For each life is a journey, a quest to explore,
Emotions hidden within, like an ancient lore,
And as we taste the sweetness, both bitter and sweet,
We navigate samsara, our destiny complete.
So let us learn from the flower and the bee’s embrace,
Embrace life’s sweet moments, and also the trials we face,
For samsara is the journey, where wisdom we gain,
In the cycle of existence, we’ll find joy and pain.

Otras obras de Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
