Railroaded in the Desert of the Real
When things were easy going it was easy to believe you were on the up and up But when the going got tough suddenly you were going
Instead of a scythe the mirthful reaper carried balloo… and we just floated away
The last stage of wes– tern civilization was groupthink without groups
Death and danger are our lot Look at what my kid can do is what’s been wrought
The ferocity of narcissistic rage Is in direct proportion to the dis… The depths of their contempt And the heights of their self-rega… Healing for the narcissist will on…
All raw deals Are some version of the following: If we screw up You’ll keep your mouth shut Because if you draw attention to i…
Whether or not “art is the proper task of life” the transition to AI-generated synthetic media will complete the debasement of th…
In countries with official state-r… Everyone pretends to pay attention So that they can go back to being… In countries with unacknowledged s… Everyone pays attention
I’ve been racking my brains for the perfect response to accusations of perfectionism only to land at a conundrum: a confession of false modesty is
Beliefs and behavior are the real… One leads to another And we have no idea How it all started Our name for that lacuna is God
There is a place Where children are to be seen And not heard Where all the children are raised To keep up appearances
Gracious me! Now that college Has become a finishing school There are no starter homes
Instead of the invisible hand bending self-interest towards the collective good we got the risible glad-hand laughing our selfishness off
It always comes back to Love and work– The whole point of Love of country Is found in doing the work
Our glass Is an hourglass And whether it is half-full Or half-empty Time is running out