How to Win Friends and Influence people
Average academics Have a pet theory Dominant academics Have a pet theory about pet theori…
We all know that one word or phras… Can mean two different things But we forget that one thing Can mean two different words or ph… To wit
Because we are social beings whenever people said they have no… they always meant they have no soc… Real life was social life But now social life is short for
Finding the anxiety of not knowing who we are for the Other unbearable we cracked the cheat code of statu… but in predetermining
A poem is like a dream In that it shows us the truth Without telling it Because, truth be told There’s no telling
I’ve long since stopped working on myself but I work overtime on my curated self
Antizionism feels powerful Because it claims the authority Of giving permission to hate But the feeling is soon vanquished Requiring another hit of hate
You and God are like socks– No matter how far apart you get You are still a pair You and God are also like pants– Even though you are forever one
Money is an illusion that fools al… We only have one currency to spend And it is time At the time of judgment day We will only be asked one question…
Because man is condemned to freedo… his freedom has no exchange value Still, every man has his price since he is always free to sell his soul to the devil
If it can’t be fixed but it must be fixed it stands to reason that you should keep trying the easy fix
The older I get the less I pause for effect This is because the clock is ticking and I’d rather not waste my time
The problem is we’re running out of time and the only solution is playing the long game
One of my favorite Peloton instru… Said the following: “You don’t get stronger during the… You get stronger when you recover” By workout I take him to mean
Words get in the way and a picture is worth a thousand words