Free will consists of recognizing the inevitable and choosing wisely
We’ve taken the mystery out of lif… Which makes this a murder mystery Because in choosing immortality We are killing ourselves More accurately, then
Higher education purports to prepare you for life when really it exists to indebt you for life, expanding campus ideology
An ego Without a body Is a ghost And we are All of us
It all clicked for me when I realized that Hebrew School Is a party school
The moment I think It’s beneath me the solid ground collapses into a sinkhole where I remain
All self-help books boil down to this: You can’t fold a piece of paper more than 7 times but if you could fold it 103 times
You’re only a real materialist If you demand that believers Do the impossible And then get angry When they prove you wrong
As the world closed in the Pollyanna sought safety in numbers only to find herself taking a number
By the time Abraham and Isaac cli… Human beings had long since evolve… Survive danger and avoid death Long enough to overcome death By reproducing and raising offspri…
Desperate to identify new funding… We gambled that a steady stream of… Would flow to those whose stream o… Forebode the worst downstream effe… So, we began livestreaming the fut…
It’s only once you realize There’s no such thing As your own success That you avoid becoming A victim of your own success
It’s easier for capitalism to end than to imagine the end of capital…
When we say something is infinite Say, the universe What we really mean Is that it is unfinished
When we poll people about what the weather in heaven is like the most popular answer perhaps not surprisingly is like a cold day in hell