A snowflake is a raindrop With a pattern that has crystalliz… And we are seeing patterns all aro… Because hell is finally freezing o…
As an American I have a posteriori knowledge that Americans pretend without reason to a priori knowledge of the other
A rational actor knows a thing or… First, he knows that by definition a solution solves a problem Second, he knows that
A heart can only beat in synch with another A broken heart still beats because God keeps the time– just as He keeps us–
I knew Remain was in trouble when they announced that a vote fo… was also a vote in favor of renami… Brexit McBrexitface
In contemporary materialism the miracle of consciousness is filtered through zeros and ones making One a number of things with zero chance of going right
The unconscious is to repression as The algorithms are to redaction
Having given up On heaven No one Recognizes hell
To get into heaven they tell you that you have to answer one question correctly and that there are
I was shunned And all I can think about is What will happen if I am shunned
War gave way Not to peace But to endless meetings
Mysticism, esoteric knowledge, these are euphemisms for what’s hiding in plain sight: We are not alone
100% of success is showing up on time
Hell isn’t other people– Hell is waiting in line behind other people
Johnny Cash is going to Jackson; I have been to Jacksonville