Not to be outdone I cut my face off to spite my nose
I believe in the great man theory of history because the good man theory of history is so obviously false
One of the great things about bein… Or, in my case, becoming Jewish Is that every Jew has a voice So, you would be forgiven for thin… Two Jews, two opinions
It’s a sign of the times that No matter the path you take You will know you are finding God When first you become an embarrass… And only then receive
Unsatisfied with turning on the T… to take our minds off things we’ve taken to turning our minds o…
I have a prediction to make: We can’t predict the ending But when it’s all said and done Everything will seem obvious For example,
Some people say They were born too late; I was almost born too soon But then along came the internet Just in time to stop time–
Keep your friends close your enemies closer and your neighbor closest
The truth will set you free but consensus will get you academi… i.e., tenure
I didn’t start consistently moonwa… until they required us to wear Fit… to qualify for our employee health…
Not one of us Has all the answers But we all Have all the answers Because there is only
The world is a cast of characters Social media is a caste of caricatures
It was always an intriguing though… to imagine knowing the date of you… until AI in a thought experiment of its own reimagined death
Much like nuclear weapons the whole point of having vacation days is never to use them
If you want to predict the future determine what is most taken for g… and imagine a world without it I predict a future where words will be replaced