Whenever I hurt someone I’m sure that I’m a honeybee about to die But it always turns out that I’m…
The saying goes: We learn from the past, but we don… But the reverse is also true: If we don’t learn from the past, t… In other words
Would that my morning toilet were a ritual and not just the muscle memory of a muscle memory
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down
Thanks to his bifocals Ben Franklin could see that while we might look like bald… up close we’re clearly turkeys
All of our choices Come down to this: We can fear God Or we can fear death
I was afraid of death which is to say afraid to live until I chose my hill to die on For in deciding where
We are hard wired for cooperation to better compete Marxism fails because it enacts a competition
Just as birds regurgitate to feed their young human beings have culture
If you make the mistake of believi… there’s no room for error the surest way to avoid making ano… is to keep making the same mistake
When randomness blends with lawfulness you get the Loch Ness
God has each of us on a leash And it is almost exactly like the… That let’s your dog roam within li… But for one crucial difference– On God’s leash we can go
The reason every man has his price is because he always fails to real… 1. that he can never get what he w… 2. this makes his desire priceless
The only way God can love us all the same amoun… Is by loving each of us infinitely And the only way God can love each of us differentl…
Believing that one can use social media for good is like thinking one can live in the Matrix without fueling the Machines