The pleasure of a new discovery is only exceeded by the satisfaction of making a recommendation
If you leave well enough alone for long enough you’ll have enough to make you cry
In the cold war the gravest danger was recklessnes… which we solved with Mutually Assured Destruction The culture war
This world’s highest praise– “Never change”- Is actually a curse Only God and His Torah are uncha… So that in our constant evolution
I am just like everyone else In that I am nothing like anyone… Which is how I am one While we too are one
Time is a one way road that only goes forward so that you know which direction t… but you can still go the wrong way down a one way road
You will know You are in the fight of your life When fighting it Is more important Than winning it
By hook or by crook I do it all by the book
I don’t care about birds but I thrill when the squirrels can’t get to the birdseed
When I put a period at the end of my text message it means that
Like many people I have dreams in which I’m flying but in mine I’m always flying
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down
I’ve reached the age where getting ready for bed is like preparing for a spacewalk
I won’t rest ‘til O– prah puts me on the cover of her magazine
If you feel like you’ve been getting away with something you’ve probably been cheating yourself