If you’re looking for answers life is a wild goose chase If you’re looking for the next que… life is a never-ending scavenger h…
Denial leaves a vacuum that is ever filled by wishful thinking
This is a much simpler question than What does a woman want? Hamas wants to kill all Jews in Israel
The problem is we’re running out of time and the only solution is playing the long game
I used to stand on the moral high ground to look myself in the eye but now that I’ve plucked it out and thrown it away
No one is exactly sure why God switched from a pass/fail syst… to having you grade yourself but there have been quite a lot of B-plusses flying ar…
Most lives are lived in service to one institution or another but only very recently has this begun to feel
I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid
Ever since I got my first smartphone it feels like I’m visiting a museum and all the decent human beings
When you cut the umbilical cord children remain reliant on their p… until they start to become self-re… by attaching to their friends as a step towards the full self-re…
Is it really leading by example when I floss in the office men’s r… after lunch or is this what the Buddhist’s cal… bodhisattva exhibitionism
A smart phone is 1/7 billionth of a doomsday machine
The latest version of antisemitism takes the form of a magic trick: The diversion– Antisemitism is bad The illusion–
In Rodin’s famous sculpture The Thinker The subject, deep in thought Rests his chin on the back of his… There are memes on the internet in…
All of our choices Come down to this: We can fear God Or we can fear death