People tend to be wrong and through their errors get closer to the truth This is known as freedom The most sacred narratives
When I said That’s none of your business they replied Actually, that’s our entire busine…
Much like nuclear weapons the whole point of having vacation days is never to use them
Time is a one way road that only goes forward so that you know which direction t… but you can still go the wrong way down a one way road
The usual cruelty Is having multiple children And enforcing a hierarchy In order to keep the peace Unusual cruelty
In fragile civilizations Power is used to acquire status And status is just for decoration In resilient civilizations Self-sacrifice is recognized as th…
Carry a pen, should you need to write “Note to self: Congratulations!”
In order to minimize intra-tribal… while aggressively pursuing class… progressive educated elites turn t… like common schoolyard bullies And the fact that you can only
The difference between sports and real life is that if Love played basketball against Empire, Hate, Violence and Death and won
Money is our failed attempt To materialize trust Making true wealth An unshakable trust
Looking back on college it’s unclear if I was a party animal party mineral or party vegetable
Your ego has you fooled To stop playing the fool Start identifying with your soul And as soon as you do You’ll begin to see the ego
Each of us gets to ask God one question and this question is your life
People want the lockdown to be enforced with facial recognition technology because they don’t recognize thems…
The prevailing mood was that of a nuclear submarine having failed to deter Armageddon