With the sexual revolution as with all the other belief syste… what men take as an article of faith women have to wear
You can’t call timeout in soccer But you can fake an injury You can’t call timeout in life But you can fake yourself out By believing you’ve faked us all o…
You can never be happy with what you have; on– ly with what you lack
Riddle me this: The Riddler commits crimes of the… By loving each and every one of us… But always leaves clues behind In the form of a riddle
“Life”, as it’s come to be known,… And ends with a grand finale But in between there’s just a lot… And grandiloquent small talk But there are grand plans for a se…
In Judaism The three most important prohibiti… Idolatry, adultery, and murder In idolatry you abandon God In adultery you abandon your soulm…
I was always being reassured that I was in the circle of trust but kept in the dark as to my place in it
Unlike the Americans and the Engl… who are divided by a common langua… the Americans and the Parisians are divided by a common symptom: disappointment
Brexit is a fantasy that a people who previously sat astride a global empire can now sit apart from globalizati… when in reality
How much of your conflict with other tribes is the result of your efforts to avoid conflict within your own tribe?
When life gives you A bottomless pit Fill it with Bottomless fries
On paper Scratch that On screen The devil looks unbeatable Since odds always favor
The cover-up is always worse when there’s no crime
The hardest thing to face is that your dreams won’t come tru… unless your fears come true first
Asked to account for his success w… he explained that he drives his ca… like he won it on The Price Is R…