Bureaucracy’s biggest sin Is malingering as democracy– Bureaucracy sees the will of the p… As a form of madness But pretends to follow the will of…
Goodbye is not always goodbye In fact, it never is For while I may never see you aga… I’ll never unsee you
The opposite of modest isn’t immodest, it’s honest The opposite of immodest is confident
Before Descartes, you had to prove yourself with deeds After Descartes, you could prove yourself with words It’s been a war of words ever sinc…
And so I wake in the morning and I stay inside and I take a deep breath and I let out a sigh and I stream from the top of my ru…
I’m converting to Judaism but I’m a Scorpio so, I have a head start
Life’s unhappiest surprises always come from those you’ve known forever without ever knowing the score but now you will
A heart can only beat in synch with another A broken heart still beats because God keeps the time– just as He keeps us–
The difference between being hungr… And being power hungry Is that hunger can be satisfied This is because God is
I know how it must sound– A two-year long two—week lockdown— But let me expound And dish the lowdown: What we fear’s a hoedown
Chapter 1- Defense Mechanisms, an… We all defend ourselves– If you are unprepared to defend yo… It just means that Your defense is unconscious
Learning how to walk is learning how to fall forward while remembering to catch yoursel… again and again Walking is the illusion
God is the only Subject Who see things objectively So, God’s object Is to change the subject And God knows that, like Him, we…
All the games people play Are iterations of the same game: Playing along Playing along is a language game And the only way to win the game
Scarcity isn’t a lack of abundance– it results from overabundance which enables hoarding