If, after 10/7 you have the chutzpah to ask What just happened? their answer– It didn’t just happen–
When I ask myself if I might be wrong, there’s a whole lot of red tape
Saying Get out of your comfort zone to an American is like telling a turtle to get out of its shell
Life can seem meaningless But I’ve found that Meaning is never lifeless
He should have said: If everything is permitted then God does not exist
All opinions are wrong but you can only learn from your own mistakes
You have a real life if there are no easy solutions You have a real problem if there are no easy solutions but there is an easy way out
The first thing you’re taught is t… you can make some of the people drink Coke all of the time and you can make all of the people drink Coke some of the time but
In wristwatch advertisements the doomsday clock is always set to ten past ten
Jews learned the hard way That because God sanctions God also sanctions– In this lies their certainty about… Most other nations just know
Nietzsche, who famously never marr… described marriage as a long conve… Had he wed he would have realized it’s actual… a series of brief interrogations
Women are attracted to men who tak… Because it’s the best possible clu… That he would risk his life for he…
The human brain has 100 trillion synaptic connections which sounds like a lot but it’s only 0.0000000005% of the universe’s 200 billion tril…
I try to imagine what it was like for my wife when two lines meant positive and the closest I get is when
AI didn’t write this poem; it wrote the algorithm that decided whether or not you would read it