At bottom God is a brute fact and Satan a brutal fact
I can only ever seem to do the math in the aftermath
Every writer has mistaken his shotgun for a rifle– He may hit where he aims but he will also surely miss In discharging his will to power
The truth might set you free but it’s the half truths that will let you remain neutral
The only reason that people wear clothes is because they have language
The truth is true Is a tautology The truth is untried and true Is an etiology
The only colleges left standing will be the ones that can make you look smart while you’re playing dumb
Our big mistake is thinking a leap of faith is a tandem parachute jump where God pulls the parachute and you float gently down
Hunting on your own might make you a lone wolf but thinking for yourself makes you a lone ant
There Is Always Room For
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (C… Holds that there is a sequence In which an experience is followed… By a belief, a thought, and a feel… Fair enough
You’ll be able to tell that nobody knows what anything is wort… when no one knows who they can tru…
I can’t guess your age but I can guess your age when you got that tattoo
The most useful secret agents Are those who don’t know the secre… That they are agents of warfare
The remarkable thing about life is how time consuming it is