In the west Since we can’t control time We just buy more time An approach used elsewhere With equally mixed results
They say if you expect disappointment then you will never be disappointed But I say
I was a bullshit artist until I realized a career as a bullshit scientist paid better
I was one of the ones who craved religion without religion This, apparently was easy to arrange But now that I’m longing for
People are afraid of change so they change with the times
On paper Scratch that On screen The devil looks unbeatable Since odds always favor
You can die a million times Without a single ego death But one ego death is worth One God
Guilty, I’d pled when left for dead for what I had said but as the undead squeezed my bonehead
Poets are to their poems As parents are to their children Preparing them for the world Without knowing what they will do
When did we ditch the Pledge of Allegiance for the wedge of a grievance
The struggle to become an individual in no way implies the need to be unique
In this charming reboot of a classic kidlit gumshoe series our eponymous hero Wikipedia Brown solves thought crimes by
The best way to prevent something from happenin… is to convince people that it already did
A people pleaser pretends to live in Youtopia but really resides in Myopia because all he can see is what he needs from you
The world has gone to heck And heck is hell Minus the pleasure