No sooner were the gates free of b… than we’d paired off and squared off as fascists vs. totalitarians And as for the dissidents not spoi…
Excuse me, Are you still Taking excuses?
Would that my morning toilet were a ritual and not just the muscle memory of a muscle memory
Paradoxically When you have a one-track mind Your body can go anywhere For your soul to accomplish anythi…
Nietzsche imagined eternal recurre… as the ultimate Yes to life! whereas Jews understand that life is a lot of love and work
In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
Everything dear to you? You can take all of that and throw it out the Overton window
When I sallied forth to share my… just one voice in the wild multipl… They told me to go fly a kite; it seemed that’s just life in the… Then I recalled as it began to ta…
Domination is feudal But resistance seems futile And lo, we canoodle With the large standard poodle We all know as boodle
Social media submission guidelines… Submissions mustn’t be original wo… Submissions must be exclusive but the exclusion must be implicit… Submissions are always already ove…
I’m not afraid of being alone and I’m not afraid of dying but I am afraid of dying alone
The One Ring had it backwards The one thing that bestows power is
The heat of mutual disdain that always sustained us in person has cooled with depersonalized cam… that detain us via cursor
Telling ourselves half-truths Is worse than telling ourselves li… Because Although the truth will set you fr… Just as you can’t be half pregnant
Questions are the an– swer to everything; now, how can I assist you