Love your enemy but do continue to hate your rival factions
I was caught between a rock and a hard place unable to decide on a way out Instead, you decided on me
The ego always has three choices: 1. It can listen to the id and do what it wants to do 2. It can listen to the superego a… what it is supposed to do
Climate change is just the latest chapter in our ever-ending story
Why bother keeping score when death assures that things always end in a tie Soon you’ll be able to get rid of death
People tend to be wrong and through their errors get closer to the truth This is known as freedom The most sacred narratives
We hit it off: she’d declawed her cats and I’d plucked my cacti’s needles
Some people have baggage; I come with furniture Fortunately, my wife enjoys rearranging
With all other things human beings must guard against what is too good to be true in order to stay alive With God
I’ve now reached the age when anticipation con– sists of nostalgia
The climate change deniers missed the boat on all the ocean front property in Arizon…
I won the day when my antagonist branded me a reactionary because, of course, I’m an overreactionary
We rent an apartment so my wife told me that technicall… I am the interim king of my own ca…
In Judaism The three most important prohibiti… Idolatry, adultery, and murder In idolatry you abandon God In adultery you abandon your soulm…
As long as there have been people there have been people wearing mas… the difference now is that each mask comes with an entire cos…