If you want to win friends and inf… Find out what they care about (This is easy) Ask them about it (This is significantly harder)
The surest way to know That God is always there for us Is that we always have a choice This is why religion and liberalis… Are a match made in heaven
How much Are you willing to sacrifice For what You cannot have
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (C… Holds that there is a sequence In which an experience is followed… By a belief, a thought, and a feel… Fair enough
People are the opposite of baked potatoes– If you keep poking holes in their theories they will explode
It’s not that we’ve abolished death but we’ve made it a mere formality
Faced with a forced choice The agnostic feigns ignorance For if you ask a woman to marry yo… And she says I don’t know
If you are taught that asserting yourself is wrong your only defense will be victimho… Knowing this we can reverse engineer
The realist doesn’t look at clouds… that describes the escapist The realist looks at clouds and se… from her childhood
A la recherche du temps perdu has been variously translated as A Remembrance of Things Past and In Search of Lost Time
Crypto is for the solvent Crypto is a solvent Invest amongst yourselves
If you leave well enough alone for long enough you’ll have enough to make you cry
There’s a groove I’ve been going… just between heroic and anti-heroi… that’s perfectly romantic But betwixt the truth-teller and the soothsayer
When the shit hits the fan at least I know I won’t be wearing flip-flops
Brexit is a fantasy that a people who previously sat astride a global empire can now sit apart from globalizati… when in reality