The Fed has one lever to pull– interest rates– to keep all of us consuming
We subtract to find the difference But at bottom There is no difference Leaving it up to us To make a difference
“The week that AI went to scale” was immediately followed by “North America’s UFO weekend” as if all this time the UFOs had been waiting
For twenty years people kept insis… that there was an elephant in the… but I just didn’t see it And then I realized I was the elephant
“A voice called out in the wildern… Clearing the way of the Lord Straightening a road in the desert For our God” Listen closely–
Marriage is the only place I’m neither feature nor bug but both
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
The biggest shock of Judgment Day Was that they don’t give out grade… Just comments Which, of course, is worse Mine said:
The One Ring had it backwards The one thing that bestows power is
Our first category mistake was believing that the Real has me… when the Real is absolutely meanin… only the Symbolic has any meaning This evolved into our second categ…
You may think that the unconscious Is there to protect you from seein… How the sausage is made Because if you knew You wouldn’t want to eat it
People don’t have beliefs, they ha… beliefs are just how we relate to… More simply: I am a relationship to desire
Hook-up apps have given intimacy all the allure of an oil change
If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it So, in case of emergency Break heart To break free
People want the lockdown to be enforced with facial recognition technology because they don’t recognize thems…