My ego is too big
An individual is someone who must… With the fact that he could be wro… And there’s no way to know for sur… But the choice must still be made The internet offers certainty
Fox News said it was “Fair and B… which supposedly meant that it was… because it was balanced but really it meant that it was fa… because it wasn’t balanced–
When we were kids we liked to spell Mississippi out loud for fun but we never pronounced the S’s–
Behaviorists insist that the mind is a black box which makes it an utter mystery
Our brains are just big enough to operate eight fingers and two thumbs An octopus is smart but if it also had
While I was waiting for them to come to their senses they came to my house
AI is a genie in a bottle that can only grant one wish: the wish for
You’re only a real materialist If you demand that believers Do the impossible And then get angry When they prove you wrong
My dissertation defense fell apart even as I read my title– The Bronze Age: A Golden Age of…
Because we know we must die and that survival depends on belonging we all live in fear
To break up with your significant other just say I need space To break it off
The difference between A garden variety bullshitter And a bullshit artist Is that bullshitting is easy But a bullshit artist
The hardest thing to face is that your dreams won’t come tru… unless your fears come true first
Human beings evolved to avoid face-to-face conflict which was why until very recently everybody was talking behind each…