If you are taught that asserting yourself is wrong your only defense will be victimho… Knowing this we can reverse engineer
Some families hide the truth in pl… By laughing at it Although it gets confusing for a c… When the truth is a joke That can’t be told
There used to be two types of peop… Those who wanted to Go ahead and get it over with And those who wanted to postpone t… This enabled some degree of self-s…
Many con artists have a moral awakening; even more realize that the only compassionate thing to do is continue the con
All plants and animals die But only human life is A near-death experience Immortality, then Wil be the death of man
This world’s highest praise– “Never change”- Is actually a curse Only God and His Torah are uncha… So that in our constant evolution
People want the lockdown to be enforced with facial recognition technology because they don’t recognize thems…
I’m neither handy nor a dandy but my wife still finds me handy d…
I don’t care about birds but I thrill when the squirrels can’t get to the birdseed
Everyone looks out for their own f… This is normal But looking out for your own first by dehumanizing the other for looking out for their own firs…
The only reason to pursue fame is to forestall the possibility that you’re the kind of person who would die wishing you’d been more famous
Free speech is when you can say anything you want as long as you don’t really believe it
At judgment day they put the brief in debriefing by getting right to the point: You could have made a difference– Did you?
Let’s call the before times “The… It’s not what you know It’s who you know But after the social media It’s not who you know
They say if you expect disappointment then you will never be disappointed But I say