When civilization was still buildi… deconstruction was all the rage Now that everything we’ve built is… rage is all the rage
You start out needing money to advance your ideology but you end up mouthing your ideol… to rake in more money
Until the company’s weekend retrea… I didn’t know that my leadership s… was like never having braces but still wearing a retainer
In this world The greatest pleasure Is always anticipation: Moshiach is coming!
God is equal parts Ardor and candor But we can’t get a handle on True love
Once I realized that I wasn’t afraid of sky diving just that my parachute wouldn’t op… I was able to conquer my fear without ever leaving the ground
War is hell, but be– ing conquered is hell on Earth which makes it much worse
The biggest stumbling block in bel… that God is in control is further accepting that He put us in charge
The first step in bearing the trut… is telling it This will make you unbearable, starting the next step of banishme… Form there, it is up to you
The free food programs during the pandemic were great So, to compensate people began to ration love
Everything on the internet is too… To call Leaving everything undecided But for this– We should all be worried
You don’t really know someone until it becomes clear that you don’t really know them
I never really knew what postmodern meant until I moved to the internet when from time to time
Friendly competition is heaven on… Culture war is hell on wheels Of time But now that our culture’s wheels… We’ll soon be out of time
Dreams don’t come true; They are true