Vision: In an age when there is n… Mission: Because time flies when…
According to AI Sartre’s concept of nausea describ… “The feeling of dread that arises when someone perceives inanimate o… as encroaching on their sense of s…
If Meta has its way Meta will be to the metaverse as God is to the universe Of course if you look God in the face
There is no Status quo But there is Status
That wasn’t the sky Falling on your head That was the truth gone to ground By playing dead
The devil is in the details And God is in my feelings Here are the details on my feeling… I feel like The devil is just here to force th…
Wittgenstein’s fly in the bottle consults the map for directions to find the map
Immortality still involves death Because we all still fear death Enough to die from it Moshiach will be the one Whose immortality eliminates death
I can only ever seem to do the math in the aftermath
Rock and roll will never die because OK Computer replaced the world with itself
Nobody invents themselves so we’re left to choose between perfecting or reinventing ourselve… Nobody’s perfect of course
Sanity requires distance And social media is always Right at our fingertips
In the contest for your soul The devil has to play by God’s ru… You can’t ever get what you want Because you always become what you…
When the loyal opposition smelled a rat the administration’s defense centered on the fact that it wasn’t the rats that had carrie…
All consciousness is false consciousness but some consciousnesses are easier to fake