The only way to survive being abandoned is to love with abandon
Faced with a forced choice The agnostic feigns ignorance For if you ask a woman to marry yo… And she says I don’t know
In the age of divorce It needs to be said: If you don’t want to end up divorc… Do not covet your neighbor’s ex-wi…
My wife is a lot like God If God weren’t perfect Like Him, she’s my toughest criti… But also my fiercest champion
This is the stage in history where we all give constructive cri… to the demolition crew
The realist doesn’t look at clouds… that describes the escapist The realist looks at clouds and se… from her childhood
The devil is in the details And God is in my feelings Here are the details on my feeling… I feel like The devil is just here to force th…
I’m no angel But I have two angels– One to protect me from others And one to protect me from myself So, I was never alone
God is one And God is the one that got away But God is still the one that’s got a way
The pleasure of a new discovery is only exceeded by the satisfaction of making a recommendation
God gives us what is necessary but not sufficient because nothing is ever sufficient
American Express changed its slog… “Don’t leave home without it” to “Don’t live life without it” in acknowledgement that
The Matrix is man-made And women have to live there Though, being closer to God They have one foot out the door Which is why it’s said
When the people believe The Constitution protects and uph… Their varying beliefs But when the people don’t believe Embracing nihilism by replacing G…
They put a circle at dead ends so you can either live there or turn back but we just keep