“The schizophrenic is not, as generally claimed, characterized by his loss of touch with reality but by the absolute proximity to and total instantaneousness with things, this overexposure to the transparency of the world.” Jean Baudrillard
The devil used to be a buyer of so… But now he’s a seller To the Big Five tech companies Because the money is just too good How does the devil sell
In His infinite wisdom God made the pen mightier than the… Which is why the internet’s first… Is the First Amendment It’s only once free speech and fre…
We mistake the feeling of control for the feeling of freedom when freedom actually consists of the courage to take risks Those who encourage us
You’re supposed to love everybody but everybody knows that’s putting all of your eggs in one ba… so everybody eggs each other on in making a western omelet
What do you call it when people are so bored that they start playing with fire and soon enough find themselves fighting fire with fire
People don’t generally like instru… because music without words is just math come alive Adding words to music takes it from counting time
You can either learn to ride a bik… with no hands in order to show off or to free your hands for another task
There’s only one way To win a game of chicken But there are two ways to lose And the only chance of victory Is knowing ahead of time
God knows In a game of hide and seek The best place to hide everything Is right in front of your nose So, you’ll never believe what I j…
The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb if, in its slumber the lion dreams it’s a lamb
“Democracy is the worst form of go… Except for all those other forms t… Since all other forms involve deat… And democracy merely involves symb… But democracy has an illness
Why bother keeping score when death assures that things always end in a tie Soon you’ll be able to get rid of death
The first half of life: Did I say that? The second half of life: I did say that The end of life:
My wife and I have remained happi… because she recognizes me as capta… as long as I acknowledge her as air traffic control
I thought I’d flown the co-op by living off the grid And yet I’m still a chicken only now I’m on the skids So I’ve up and joined a commune