Life is a brief window of opportun… And the opportunity of a lifetime Consists of the chance To help turn the wheel of time Which turns everything towards the…
In the analog it was enough to consider the source Now, in the digital you must consider the source code:
Now Is not the time for Waiting to decide; Now Is the time for
She was so cool that even her periods were fashionably late
You can’t study for the purity test but you can copy from your neighbor
The epic poem for this epoch will have to say the most with the least
The moment I think It’s beneath me the solid ground collapses into a sinkhole where I remain
The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb if, in its slumber the lion dreams it’s a lamb
If you want to win friends and inf… Find out what they care about (This is easy) Ask them about it (This is significantly harder)
In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
In phase one we lived in order to live In phase two we talked in order to live In phase three,
When I was standing in the shallow end I really believed I was all in only later coming to realize
Why do we say Where there’s smoke, there’s fire when It’s the smoke that kills you, not…
When they told me I was one of many I took them to mean I was the one
My life as ode to permission seeking was just a road to perdition strictly speaking Broadly speaking