At the end of life you can either say I brought it or I bought it
We’re hearing a lot of talk About saving democracy As if we were still A civilization ruled by a majority Which respects the rights of the m…
God said satis– faction guaranteed; religion is all the fine print
It’s not how well you prompt AI it’s how promptly you do so because he who laughs first will have the last laugh
I want what you want so I want a cow
Brexit is a fantasy that a people who previously sat astride a global empire can now sit apart from globalizati… when in reality
The essay portion of the test Was explaining why The test only consists Of multiple-choice questions So, I wrote:
Apocalypse now in the eternal now
Average academics Have a pet theory Dominant academics Have a pet theory about pet theori…
It’s all over but for the shouting and this is the shouting
The opposite of modest isn’t immodest, it’s honest The opposite of immodest is confident
In Putin’s version of Let’s Make… he shows you what’s behind Door #1… - You let Putin run you through w… AND what’s behind Door #2: - You fall on your sword to atone…
God is the storm un– til He becomes your shelter from the storm. Amen
When at last Our time comes Just as we realize the need To give things time It will have come to pass
How anti-Semites use exegesis to… against the Jews: Step 1 – Cite Love your Enemy Step 2- Interpret