Inside the hierarchy Humiliation is both a warning That there are no individuals with… And a reminder That your place in the group is at…
Takeoff always happens just as we are running out of runway
Materialism’s biggest assumption Is that death has the last word Which is why In their fear of death Materialists never let anyone else…
Why would they still offer A penny for our thoughts When they can buy in bulk
Socialists count on the fact that there are no private languages but there is
Desperate to identify new funding… We gambled that a steady stream of… Would flow to those whose stream o… Forebode the worst downstream effe… So, we began livestreaming the fut…
The smartest gal in the room Is the one who realizes All the adults in the room Are emotional children Behaving like holy terrors
Just as a lucky horseshoe works Whether you believe in it or not As long as the competition to pass… Goes on forever Then everyone’s a winner
The critique of pure reason should have been that rational thought is impossible unless paired effectively with fee… As AI reaches escape velocity
In the new version of Heads I win, tails you lose People hate to be wrong But love to apologize And if you accept their apology
They couldn’t have been more obvio… in their preparations for the surp… trusting that I was the type loathe to ruin my own surprise
Because we are social beings whenever people said they have no… they always meant they have no soc… Real life was social life But now social life is short for
Because we know we must die and that survival depends on belonging we all live in fear
I put out a comedy album Side A was called Wins Side B was called Losses Only one side was funny
I know a guy who knows Paul Simon who told me the real reason for th… was that Paul got sick of Garfunk… stalling for thyme