They can’t kick sand in your face if your head is al– ready in the sand
My ego is too big
Before I met you the happiest I’d ever been was when everything I’d ever wante… was on lay-away because I didn’t have to make any…
Unsatisfied with natural consequen… human beings concocted perverse in… which is to say where once we were mere mortals now we are self-defeating
When I filter my selfie it becomes a safie
I couldn’t believe that my first e… was still carrying a torch for me and then I saw all my other ex’s b… carrying a pitch fork
The pleasure of a new discovery is only exceeded by the satisfaction of making a recommendation
It was an open secret that on his day off Sisyphus liked to go downhill skii…
When you obey men They use it to control you When you obey God You use it to control yourself
Slow and steady wins the race because there isn’t any finish line
The Cookie Monster is just living up to the name Kermit gave him
The internet wants to tell you a l… Instead, let me tell you a secret: After the Holocaust Antisemitism was buried just deep… That it came to seem an anachronis…
After the sexual revolution men thought they could finally get what they want AND what they… while women believed they could at… get what they need AND what they…
The moment I think It’s beneath me the solid ground collapses into a sinkhole where I remain
A materialist looks around at ever… It’s all an accident His friend, the believer, adds his… It was an accident waiting to happ… The materialist and the believer a…