Believing that one can use social media for good is like thinking one can live in the Matrix without fueling the Machines
You can’t burn a bridge when they’ve already dismantled th… to keep you out but you can burn an eternal flame to mark the location
I am not who I think I am I am not who you think I am And I am not even who I think you… I am who I-Am-Who-I-Am thinks I…
The worst part about giving every kid in little league a trophy is the way it has emptied all the… out of acquiring
In the old country song When Mac Davis sings “Oh lord it’s hard to be humble When you’re perfect in every way” I always assumed
As bumbling first mate to his capt… Gilligan wasn’t in charge But he was the star of the show Which is how the male ego understa…
It’s widely known that A man’s best availability is his a… The highest praise for a man is What would we do without him? But it’s rarely said that
Nobody invents themselves so we’re left to choose between perfecting or reinventing ourselve… Nobody’s perfect of course
I always wondered why there are several teen archetypes on offer in The Breakfast Club– each with their own exquisite agon… but also the promise of redemption…
It happened to me That I happened to be And before I knew what was happen… I’d happened upon a crowd Who happened to have some Grey Po…
Not much has changed but now I’m a glass is ten per– cent full kind of guy
When Mao said “Everything under heaven is in utt… he went on to kill 60 million of h… When Xi Jinping said “Everything under surveillance is…
Breathe in not out
Every time I screw up God says what He has to say and then He says Over and I always think
My wife now relates to me very much as she does to stinky cheese