When we asked Jesus to explain the mechanics of the last being first He answered in yet another parable… It’s like when you’re playing tug…
You can’t be free of self-consciousness so you have to be free with self-consciousness; we call this condition
Read between the lines: We are behind enemy lines
In showing us what darkness looks… fog is equal and opposite to stars lighting up the night sky
I know how it must sound– A two-year long two—week lockdown— But let me expound And dish the lowdown: What we fear’s a hoedown
When I was a kid the rule was one kid got to pour two glasses of Coke and the other kid
If you can convince people that something is inevitable they will behave as if it’s already happened making its eventuality a non-event
Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely p… But who is the audience? After all, we’re not performing
If you’re going to take sick leave… take FMLA
Told to shut my mouth I took them literally Zipped my lips And held my breath Until I could stomach it no longe…
My whole life, I thought I’d done… Duly deputized by the law of the l… As enforced by the superego, for w… But due to unforeseen circumstance… When instead of always being due f…
You can never be happy with what you have; on– ly with what you lack
Instead of using our flashlights to move through the wilderness in the dark, slowly we believe that if we just keep shining them about the dark forest
Life is a test but I’d been treating it like a quiz– which is a preparation for a test– under the assumption that when I d…
Civilization began when a discussion group convened to debate the meaning of the phras… The less said, the better