I dream in color but my interpretations are in black and white
Meaning is inherent to language And language is inherent to human… So, meaning is inherent to us huma… What does this mean? That’s open to interpretation
We’ll know we’ve seen the Enlight… When we don’t know who we are From one moment to the next Because, where once The One thing we wanted
Apocalypse now in the eternal now
Writing history is hard especially when it’s about the past
I grew up in the Neighborhood of… where if someone already had their… it was usually based on something… Now I live in the Land of Make T… where if someone’s mind is already…
I have a tendency to overreact When people tell me to get lost By taking them literally and serio… Which is literally how I found Go… Seriously!
Mistakes are inev– itable; owning them is inestimable
The cold war was a just war but a just war is still just war and war is hell
I thought I’d crafted a mystique when all I’d rea– lly made were mistakes
I always wondered if mimes were a type of clown until having my mind blown by the insight that
Funny how as the left lost its sense of humor it became a joke
Puzzles can be solved Problems can only be exchanged
Every strength comes with a corres… But for the strength which conjoin… And this strength is recognizing y… Then connecting with people who co… As one of the world’s strongest pe…
For our civilization to function everyone must be willing to meet at the disappointed hour where if you’re not five minutes t… you’re early