Big Brother used to just Cross his fingers To avoid telling the truth Then uncrossed them into a V for Vacancy
People don’t like surprises so I tell them they’re in for a real surprise which gives them something to look…
If we know our physics is real Because GPS works Then we know our God is real Because language works
If you start with being, then Being is meaningless But meaning is never without being Because meaning always comes first
I may not be the man who has everything but I’m the man who knows what to get for the man who has everything
One would think the earth is flat “Unless” as the Coen brothers put it “round is funny”
Because the ego mustn’t know its real mission lest it go back on accepting it, this message will self-destruct five seconds before life begins:
I have not loved my neighbor as my… but I have consistently greeted hi… with an insouciant bonhomie
Ours was the first all you can eat… to earn a coveted Michelin star and I always thought it was becaus… when you ordered the whole enchila… it came with bottomless fries
The metaverse only took off once people realized that the only way to accrue status ther… was through displays of a toleranc…
The scientific method has, at long last arrived at a unifying theory which, for it is a dead end
Two things can be true at the same… 1. Logic tells us what we can and… 2. Paradox tells us God can do wh… More importantly God sees what we cannot do
Like a real life Picture of Dorian Gray my hair stays full even as my act wears thin
Somewhere between 27% and 53% of… none of which students can legally… is wasted Let’s split the difference and call it 40%
Nobody remembers how to forgive Because posting on social media Is an act of seeking approval