There are No shortcuts On an Infinite journey
You’ll know whether you’re there to make things better or to make yourself feel better by how you react when you’re told you can do better
Our civilization has gotten around God’s injunction to be our brother… by being our little brother’s book…
At work They know me by my secret identity The mild-mannered Clark Kent But at home with my family I can relax and let them see the r…
Language shouldn’t work A word, all words Are defined by other words Defined by still further words And on and on
Accustomed to the view from their… the rich had no idea they were fas… a very steep waterfall
Just as a lucky horseshoe works Whether you believe in it or not As long as the competition to pass… Goes on forever Then everyone’s a winner
“Democracy is the worst form of go… Except for all those other forms t… Since all other forms involve deat… And democracy merely involves symb… But democracy has an illness
AI is A nobody And I am Nobody’s fool
It used to be true that “All the world’s a stage” but now that all the world wide web’s a gauge the real world’s but a Faraday Ca…
The first thing I fell in love with was her out-of-office notification
People can’t really love their ene… but they sure can love the enemy of their enemy which actually gets them awful clo… to universal love anyway
We have achieved the classless society: eve– rything is tacky
I was always being reassured that I was in the circle of trust but kept in the dark as to my place in it
On planet Earth there are natural… Anything you do comes with natural… On Google Earth there are no limi… You can do anything you want But anything you do