Get back! Problem is The internet will still be there w… Get back
If things feel prearranged it’s because you’ve already rearranged
My A.I. Companion has one setting for telling me what I want to hear and another for what I
The hardest thing to face is that your dreams won’t come tru… unless your fears come true first
The surest sign That people don’t know what they w… Is when they want to have it both… But since you can’t have it both w… They settle for enforcing one way
You will know You are in the fight of your life When fighting it Is more important Than winning it
Everything on the internet is too… To call Leaving everything undecided But for this– We should all be worried
When I put a period at the end of my text message it means that
The difference between the walking… And the walking dead Is what they have in common– The walking wounded can laugh at t… And the walking dead can only laug…
Life was once a high-wire act without a net Now it’s tennis without a net
Catwoman shamed Batman into getting out of the Batmobile… by telling him it was just like ec…
People think that our second civil war will be a fight for the American soul but as Aquinas knew the soul is the form of the body
When you obey men They use it to control you When you obey God You use it to control yourself
In Putin’s version of Let’s Make… he shows you what’s behind Door #1… - You let Putin run you through w… AND what’s behind Door #2: - You fall on your sword to atone…
In becoming a celebrity a person meets the same kind of de… that a tree does in becoming a Christmas tree– embalmed in sugar