Following AI’s posthuman moral ca… And thus unsatisfied that hell isn… Human beings are bound and determi… To do the superego’s bidding And right that wrong
We can be given responsibility by God but we can only take control
Self-discipline is The only real self-indulgence Everything else is self-abnegation
Like Jacob If you wrestle with the divine Through the darkest hours You will get hurt and limp away Which we call experiencing loss
Initially, as you approach hell it feels like you’re getting a warm welcome
Politics has become another form of showbiz but while the showman should always leave them wanting more the politician knows to
Who is my trainer? God Who is my sparring partner? God Who is my cornerman?
I have what I need I know what I want I do all that I can until my day… My God does all the rest Or
I’ve wasted most of my life wondering Why do I believe in God? when I should have been asking Why does God believe in me?
Under new management, hell now consists of friendly fire
Where the Cold War was Spy vs. Spy The Psyberwar is Psy vs. Psy
By Jove, the easi– est way to work on yourself is to get married
Johnny Cash is going to Jackson; I have been to Jacksonville
If you start with being, then Being is meaningless But meaning is never without being Because meaning always comes first
First, we learn how to walk Then we learn how to walk away For many of us This takes the rest of our lives But if we never give up