In a Hegelian reversal, I couldn’t com– plain but it would help
I still believe that anything is possible It’s just that now nothing would surprise me
Life used to be hard And that’s how we liked it So much that we used to say Hurry up and wait In the understanding that
Why do we say Where there’s smoke, there’s fire when It’s the smoke that kills you, not…
If I’ve learned one thing from Pa… it’s that until I believe in God I will be enslaved to others That would have been enough! But I also learned that
I used to have my own opinions then I started sharing them
Mother Goose was always considere… a good enough mother Until lately we realized her failure to smother It was unanimous
Now that mindfulness is the official state religion the attention economy will be centrally planned
We’re running out of time Because we’re running So walk, don’t run For though we have no time to wast… Haste still makes waste
The distorting effects of social m… have left us warped But we’ve made the best of it seeking our daily pleasure in deciding what
Waiting for a sign Is a sign of the times And while we were waiting God kept delivering the raw materi… One day at a time
You’ve met your femme fa– tale when you can’t stop wishful thinking about her
We can’t fool God But we can fool ourselves into thi… We fooled God The surest way to do so Is to fool ourselves into thinking
We are all of us unreliable narrators Some of us just make a living at it
Behaviorists insist that the mind is a black box which makes it an utter mystery